Katie Nordberg

Web Designer • Web Developer • Programmer

Check out some of my work

I am on the web development team of the Kansas Cosmos project. Our goal is to be an educational tool for young people living in or visiting Kansas. We decided to build a web app optimized for phones. This is because we see a future using geolocation and we want to be able to utilize this with phones. We work under Johnson County Community College. I have programmed the homescreen planet navigation, indicating the current planet over the state of Kansas, and showing the current planet via it's position relative to the sun.
When I came onto this project I had to learn how to use JavaScript frameworks like Vue, Nuxt, and Vuex. I also learned the CSS framework Tailwind. And this project is what forced me to get very comfortable with Git and GitHub.

I have always loved the look of static images that stay in place while you scroll. I took that little inspiration and created a potential blog/home page layout. I love the versatility in the format of it. There are also some fun social connection buttons on the footer that I have wanted to use for a long time.

I got inspired to make this while taking American Sign Language classes. I had found great resources online but they were all so unattractive. I decided that I wanted to make a template for how I would layout an ASL Dictionary if it were up to me. It took me about a month and it earned me credit for an HTML and CSS course at my college.

For my JavaScript final I decided to recreate hangman in pure HTML, CSS, and JS. I made a database with multiple categories and plenty of words in each category. There is a function for keeping score and you can guess by click or keyboard input. I got a 100% on this and it's something I'm very proud of.